Diary of a yogi (who's training for a marathon) part 3

Running a marathon like a Yogi!

After 6 months of solid training the day arrived... Marathon time! I'd gone through all the stages of nerves, nearly backing out, to excitement but nothing prepared me for the grueling slog that was to follow! 

The support of the crowd and my partner running beside me was amazing. However by mile 18 my knees were feeling the pressure and by mile 23 each step made me wince with pain. At this point I remembered Ahimsa (non-harming) and made the decision to start walking. I still wish I could have carried on running and finished in my planned time. However looking after my body evidently came before my pride! Did I buckle too soon? Should I have pushed on through the pain barrier? Who knows, but I have always been a believer that you have to listen to your body. 

Challenges are an amazing way to learn about ourselves. Whether we set those challenges or are handed them by life, we invariably come out on top because humans are far more resilient than they realise. In many ways it's comforting to know that we can achieve those things, and the knowing makes us stronger.

So, would I do a marathon again? Probably not! But I have complete respect for people who do. I have learned that taking care of my body comes before any PB and am reminded, as always, not to be too hard on myself!

Happy Running!!! 

Diary of a yogi (who's training for a marathon) Part 2

The lessons I've learned...

After 6 months of training, I now have just 2 weeks left until the marathon. Typically, I have my first cold of the winter and any last minute training has gone out the window! I'm sure these moments are sent to teach us something... So here is what I've learned:

Plan for the unexpected

I have trained and trained and trained, but I didn't factor in that I would get ill right now! Whilst I don't feel confident at all on the surface, deep down I am pretty sure I've done the ground  work. There's very little else I can do now other than go with the flow on the day and give it my best. 

Don't be too hard on yourself

My biggest lesson! I am my own worse critic but this isn't always a good thing. Undermining your self confidence will do you no good when faced with a challenge. Instead remind yourself of all the things you have achieved and acknowledge how far you have already come AND accept the things that are out of your control.

Food is fuel

The revelation of this has changed my relationship with food completely. It is something to enjoy too, but especially during times of extreme physical exertion it is your fuel. You wouldn't drive a car with an empty petrol tank and expect it to get you home? So for the next 2 weeks I am fueling up, hoping this tank will get me to the finish line.


A positive mental attitude is like stoke to the fire your food gives you. However with out it the fire is likely to smoulder and die! I've had plenty of moments when I've thought 'I can't do this' but somehow a little voice has whispered 'go for it'. 


Never under estimate how important support is, with everything in life! There have been times when I've been fiercely independent taking help from no one. Whilst those moments gave me inner confidence that I can go it alone, the support that people give you is equally as strengthening. Without the encouragement of my training buddy, best friend and partner I would never have finished those hideous head-wind training runs! 

So now I need to take these lessons and use them....

Yoga Heals

Yoga Heals - yoga and chronic pain

From the moment I started teaching yoga I found myself in therapeutic environments.  It wasn't such a conscious decision but it's something I have always loved. My latest environment is the physio gym at Worthing hospital, where I have been teaching yoga to a group of teenage girls with chronic pain. It seems natural to use yoga in this way although it's not something we hear about that often so I thought I'd share it.

I have worked with people in pain before but haven't had the opportunity to work alongside other professionals and draw from their expertise too. Over the weeks I have learned that with chronic pain there is often link between psychological and physical issues and for this reason yoga and relaxation are really important tools. Most of the girls suffer from anxiety, stress and depression. Knowing which one came first is difficult to tell, but helping them to let go and relax is something I am able to do!

For many of us yoga is a physical practice. For some it is also a meditative practice. However for these girls it is an opportunity to meet other people in the same situation as them, to feel safe, un-judged and supported. The social aspect of these classes is as important as the internal benefits - being a teenage can be confusing enough but not being able to go to school, take part in activities or go out with friends is isolating.  Throughout the sessions we use breathing exercises, meditation techniques and yoga nidra alongside asana to help the nervous system to calm down. The safe environment allows the young people to fully relax, and the results after just a  few sessions have been amazing. One client commented to me and her consultant 'it's the most relaxed I've felt in over a year. I didn't realise I was in so much pain until you made it go away'. 

If there's one thing I've been reminded of through these sessions it's that we should never judge others. We have no idea what another person is feeling, whether it's anxiety or debilitating pain. A lot of the time the symptoms are difficult to see, but that doesn't mean they aren't there. It's also reminded me how powerful simple breathing and quiet relaxation can be! 

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Diary of a yogi (who's training for a marathon) Part 1 - Finding Yoga in Running

Finding Yoga in Running! 

A few months ago I decided, with my partner, to enter the Brighton Marathon. I enjoy running because it gets me outside feeling nature against my skin. However, without a goal it's easy to find another excuse not to go for a run, spending far too much time on work instead. Committing to something like a race or event means there is no option really, train... or get injured! 

The flip side of this is that when you have a scheduled long run and it's howling headwinds outside your have to go! That's what happened this weekend, and that's how I found my yoga in running.... 

yoga and running worthing sussex

I've run a half marathon (in fact I've run a few now thanks to my training), done 2 Tough Mudders and trekked at altitude for days, but nothing was quite like the 29km run in headwinds and rain. That sounds far removed from the nurturing, warm yoga studio, however it opened my eyes to how the two cross over (I had a lot of time to think whilst plodding along!) 

Breathing: Without proper breathing running is impossible. Being able to slow down and control the breath is fundamental to running, especially in challenging long distances.

Balance: Putting one foot in front of the other sounds easy! Add some wind, slippy mud and rain and it's a whole different story. Being able to access your core and find strength in that allows you to adjust when you wobble... a fundamental part of life, not just running. 

Focus: Setting your sites and then moving, at a pace that suits you, towards that. If you have no focus you are just running aimlessly with no knowledge of when that is going to end or what the point is, which can be demoralising. Focus also allows you to see past temporary discomfort like wind if you have a bigger picture in mind. 

Awareness: Listening to your body is fundamental to preventing injury. Developing proprioception is a benefit of yoga, but also really being able to hear your body, feel any discomfort and know when the barrier is in your mind or your body. Pushing through physical pain will only cause injury and set you back, so awareness of this is key.

Kindness (Ahimsa): My favourite! Being kind to yourself and your body is fundamental to everything in life, in my opinion. By all means challenge yourself, put yourself in situations you didn't think you could handle and surprise yourself by succeeding! But do this with kindness not aggression. Be aware of how your body feels, notice any discomfort or pain and know when to hold back... and when to push forward. 

And how do we prevent aches, pains, and 'DOMS'? We practice yoga, of course! Regularly stretching out the muscles helps to maintain length and avoid tightness and injury. So, yoga and running marathons really do go hand in hand! 

Some people may think that running a marathon is a stupid idea- it puts stress on your joints, takes up lots of time and can result in injury. However, completing something you didn't think you could do is empowering and strengthening. Challenging ourselves, even in little playful ways, allows us to see that we are more capable than we think...

Deepening your yoga practice

Having both practiced and taught yoga for many years I have been through the cycles - from practicing once every few weeks to every day, to when I feel I need it. Slowly my own practice has grown from a physical form of movement to a much deeper response. As I learnt about breathing and meditation, yoga nidra, philosopy, Ayurveda and diet, and as I learnt from my students, I now choose my practice depending on my mood and needs. Throughout my journey so far I have found workshops and trainings to be the best way to really learn and develop.

I love the weekly classes I teach, which allow me to share my passion with others. However, I am accutely aware that you can only go so deep in classes like this because there just isn't the time! As a response I have always run workshops alongside my classes. The 2-3 hour sessions allow people to delve into a practice that you could spend a lifetime studying. The understandinggained allows students to go back into a class (or home) and practice with so much more knowledge, which is essential in order to really 'get' the practice.

If, like I used to, you have been practicing yoga in a class regularly, try a workshop. Pick a subject or pose you are interested in and then spend a couple of hours with a knoweldgable teacher breaking that down. Explore the other aspects of yoga that exist outside the 'fitness/yoga studio'. I guarantee you will return to your mat with a whole new perspective and enthusiasm!

I am putting a series of workshops and 6 week courses together in the local area (Worthing) over the next few months. Please contact me for more information, or follow the link below!

Delve deeper and allow your practice to blosssom!